
Contact us

TDC Polska sp. z o.o.

ul. Warszawska 53, 61-028 Poznań Poland

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NIP: 764-259-64-52
REGON: 300853199
KRS: 0000507950


+48 67 348 29 31

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+48 531 818 599

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Electromagnetic compatibility is the ability of an electrical or electronic device to work correctly in a specific electromagnetic environment and not to emit electromagnetic field disturbances. Sources of disturbance can be either objects that emit electromagnetic waves intentionally such as radio, television or radar transmitters or accidental ones emitted by household appliances. SCEO® products are tailored to meet all EMC criteria. Both the SCEO® LED SCREEN and all our proprietary systems do not cause interference with other devices or systems and do not interfere with each other.

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Realizacja TDC Polska: Finlandia, 2019

What distinguishes SCEO® LED SCREEN?

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SCEO® screens and systems have the ability to function properly without any deterioration in quality in the event of electromagnetic disturbances

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SCEO® LED SCREEN and SCEO® systems are not susceptible to reactions to specific electromagnetic disturbances of other devices or systems.

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Our SCEO® LED SCREENS have the ability to retain their original properties after the impact of specific electromagnetic disturbances or signal disturbances has ceased.

LED videowalls for NRK, Oslo, Norway

LED videowalls for NRK, Oslo, Norway

LED screens for ZDF TV studio, Mainz, Germany

LED screens for ZDF TV studio, Mainz, Germany

P1.9 LED videowall for TVP PANORAMA Television Studio

P1.9 LED videowall for TVP PANORAMA Television Studio

LED Screen P6.7 Düsseldorf Metro Station, Germany

LED Screen P6.7 Düsseldorf Metro Station, Germany

We care about the safety and reliability of devices

SCEO® LED SCREENS are adapted to all requirements regarding electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), which we confirm with appropriate certificates. Our screens are tested and certified in renowned European laboratories.

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