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TDC Polska sp. z o.o.

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TV studios

TDC Polska is a leader in solutions in the field of technology, installation and service of LED screens for TV studios. So far, we have equipped many of the largest European TV providers with SCEO®VIDEOWALL and the SCEO®ANTI-MOIRÉ filter, including NRK in Norway, ZDF in Germany, TV studio in Finland, SVT in Sweden and TV stations in Poland: TVP Info, TVP Sport, TVP Panorama, Nowa TV, and we also made videowalls in TV studios in Romania, Serbia, Lithuania, Ireland and Slovakia. SCEO®TV is a solution dedicated specifically to TV stations to create moiré-free LED screens, eliminate in-camera flicker and provide energy-efficient and trouble-free videowalls to create TV studio sets. SCEO® TV Series LED screens are certified to meet the most stringent European standards for Class B electromagnetic compatibility, which prevents interference with other studio equipment such as wireless microphones, cameras, monitoring, headphones, remote control systems for lighting and stage technology, Wi-Fi networks and Bluetooth.

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Realizacja TDC Polska: Warszawa, 2020
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What distinguishes the SCEO® TV solution?

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The components used in our screens emit a minimum amount of heat and consume much less electricity thanks to dedicated products from the SCEO® EnergySaver brand. This has a positive effect on the environment and reduces operating costs.

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Despite the high exploitation, SCEO®VIDEOWALL screens operate without failure, it is possible thanks to the high quality products used in the production of SCEO® screens and the appropriate selection of components from renowned brands.

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SCEO®VIDEOWALL screens are not susceptible to reactions to specific electromagnetic disturbances of other devices or systems and have the ability to retain their original properties after the impact of specific electromagnetic disturbances or signal disturbances has ceased.

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How do we create screens for a TV studio?

In most TV studios, lighting conditions and camera settings prevent the use of brightness of LED screens higher than 5%-15% of their maximum capabilities. A large number of competing LED screens have problems displaying the image correctly and optimally at such severely reduced brightness due to grey scale issues. TDC Polska will easily install the display with proper colour reproduction, eliminating the appearance of artifacts and distortions on the screen. The SCEO® TV solution is characterised by very high values of the screen refresh parameter, reducing the risk of undesirable flickering of the image in TV cameras, also in the case of older models with a mechanical shutter. It also ensures a very high smoothness of the image, giving it a natural feel. Thanks to the modular structure of LED screens, it is possible to adjust the videowall to any type of studio and to design decorations and elements of the scenery. The flexible LED modules we use allow us to create displays of both convex and concave form. To ensure the highest quality and stability of LED screens, we use full redundancy of the signal path and power supply of all LED modules. This solution guarantees trouble-free display of images even in the event of failure of any of the screen components during live broadcasts. SCEO® TV is a solution dedicated to TV studios and works optimally in conditions typical for television.

What is the moiré effect?

It is an arrangement of stripes that results from the overlapping of two grids of lines in the camera’s digital sensor and the grid of hundreds of thousands of LEDs on the LED screen, causing a distortion of the image. This is a perennial problem in the production of TV programmes, as the moiré effect is visible when the camera zooms in on videowalls. Image distortion significantly reduces the quality of production and reception of TV programmes. The moiré effect is especially noticeable off the main axis of reception, as well as when comparing the background image to objects and figures in the studio.


The SCEO® brand is a leader in solutions in the field of technology, installation and service of LED screens for TV studios. As one of the first European companies, we created a technology that eliminates the moiré effect on LED screens. The SCEO® ANTI-MOIRÉ filter is a solution that perfectly eliminates the moiré effect that occurs when recording the LED screen with a TV camera.

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What do you gain thanks to SCEO® TV products?

  • high contrast picture, deep black and anti-reflective surface of LED screens.
  • full integration of the substructure of LED screens with elements of decoration, scenography and stage technology.
  • full integration and compatibility of LED screens with television systems of augmented reality, as well as support for HDR technology.
  • the possibility of making LED screens in a mobile version that allows the use of LED screens as an element of scenery in many broadcasts and programmes recorded in various TV studios.
  • on-site calibration of LED screens, taking into account the optimal colour temperature for the entire TV studio set.

Manufacturing systems

However, it must not be forgotten that the essence of an excellent television programme is, above all, information. Therefore, nowadays, professional tools for creating, managing and digital distribution of content are used in the digital media industry. The advanced production systems of renowned brands implemented by TDC offer, for example, 3D graphics in real time, sports analysis, maps, tools for weather editing and video processing. Our offer also includes AR systems, which are becoming increasingly popular as virtual interactive scenery in TV studios and allow you to magically combine computer-generated elements with the real world in real time. All this enriched with automated systems for detecting and tracking faces or defined shapes create a completely new image of a TV studio setting.

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Realizacja TDC Polska: Mainz, 2015
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Dedicated structures

Designing a television studio is no small challenge, given the need to adopt the unique perspective of the camera lens as the dominant point of reference in the process of creating a new media reality. Today’s television stations compete in creating more and more imaginative and unique scenographies for their programmes, broadcasts and newsrooms in order to strengthen the message, make broadcasts more attractive and encourage the viewer to stay longer in front of the TV set. An indispensable element of modern stage design are LED walls, which thanks to the unlimited possibilities of their composition and combination allow the realisation of even the most unusual and crazy visions of television space. However, every irregularity, curvature and unique shape of LED screens must be backed by extremely precise and functional supporting structures. TDC, aware of the importance of the role played by this element of the installation that is so often neglected by other contractors, bases its projects on structures made exclusively with the use of modern technologies such as CNC and laser cutting. We are known for attention to every detail and finish.

LED screens for a TV station, Finland

LED screens for a TV station, Finland

P1.6 LED videowall for a TVP INFO studio, Warsaw

P1.6 LED videowall for a TVP INFO studio, Warsaw

LED videowalls for NRK, Oslo, Norway

LED videowalls for NRK, Oslo, Norway

LED screens for ZDF TV studio, Mainz, Germany

LED screens for ZDF TV studio, Mainz, Germany

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