Equipment of the Arena Gliwice sports hall
In July 2018, we carried out a comprehensive project for the Arena Gliwice sports hall, including the preparation of the detailed design, delivery, installation and commissioning of the supplied AV equipment, training, technical assistance and a complete as-built design of
P1.6 LED videowalls for WDR Television Studio, Cologne, Germany
More than 10 million pixels of the videowalls are handled by controllers powered by advanced graphics processors, allowing the display of any source and any arrangement of content between all the videowalls, treating them as separate displays of 18.48 m2
P1.4 LED videowall for the Uppsala University, Sweden
The screen was installed in the University Theatre Hall in a curved form with a radius of 14,800 mm in a way that ensures correct reception of the content by all people in the room. The videowall has been fully integrated
LED P2.5 videowall for the Munich Airport, Germany
At the turn of June and July 2017, TDC POLSKA delivered a LED videowall based on the SCEO® LED SCREEN PH2.5 mm. The panoramic wall, with a total area of 17.082 m2, achieves a horizontal resolution exceeding 4K i.e. 4680×584. A redundant